Coal Tar Coating and Wrapping of Underground Pipelines

This blog covers the basic information about procedure for coal tar coating and wrapping of underground pipelines including, minimum requirements for materials cleaning, priming, coating & wrapping, inspection and testing of Coal tar coating to be provided on the field joints of underground steel lines. Materials to be used for Coal Tar Coating: All materials used normally conforms to tRead More…

Hydrostatic Testing of Piping or Pipelines

Hydrostatic Testing of Piping or Pipelines This blog gives you brief information regarding, hydrostatic testing of piping or pipelines. This covers Scope of Hydrostatic Testing of Piping or Pipelines, test procedure, test duration, test pressure, equipment’s required for hydro test, acceptance criteria for hydro test, test reports etc. In addition to above this covers basic information reRead More…

Piping Drafting Basics

Introduction of Piping Drafting Basics Piping drafting basics stands out as one in which the draftsman has great opportunities to express his knowledge of the uses of pipe and the best methods of representation. This needs piping drafting basics, which covers in this blog. Requires basic drafting knowledge of machine drafting, architectural drafting, map drafting. Consumes the major portion of Read More…

Comparison of Different Gasket Materials

Comparison of Different Gasket Materials This blog post gives you a basic information about different types of gasket materials and its comparison. Additionally it covers pros and cons of all gasket materials. Refer below table with all gasket materials. Common NamesNatural RubberButylBuna N, Nitrile, NBRNeopreneSiliconeTrade NamesMirco – Compound No. 7033Butene – Compound No. AX-905Read More…

Working principle of Electromagnetic Flow meters

This post gives more about electromagnetic flow meters, mostly used in instrumentation or control and automation industries, and its operating principle based on Faraday’s Law details. Electromagnetic Flow meters work on below principle: The operating or working principle of electromagnetic flow meters is based upon below Faraday’s Law of electromagnetic induction,”It states that a voltage Read More…

Abbreviations of Various International Standards

Various International Standards There are many international standards, used by various manufactuing, design firms, companies and industries. Some of the abbreviations of various international standards are listed in this post. American Standards ABMA                      American Bearing Manufacturers Assoc.
ACI                           American Concrete Institute
AGARead More…

Introduction to Plot Plan

Introduction to plot plan A plot plan is an engineering diagram which shows schematically the equipment layout, the position of roads, buildings and other constructions inside an industrial plant with their dimensions and distances in between. This blog post gives you a basic introduction to plot plan. Plot plans are considered key documents to projects and are normally initiated in the pre-contRead More…

What is the Coriolis Principle?

What is the Coriolis Principle? To some of us the Coriolis Principle is an exact science, but to most of us it is still a black art. Well, imagine a fluid flowing (at velocity V) in a rotating elastic tube as shown below. The fluid will deflect the tube. Further, consider a Mass M moving from the center to the edge of a rotating plate.
This Mass M will take path B as shown below If the massRead More…

Ceramic Insulation

What is Ceramic-Cover or Ceramic insulation? Truly a product of the space age, Ceramic-Cover or ceramic insulation is a revolutionary insulation and corrosion resistant material which is in a liquid form and is applied by spraying. Just one thin coat of 16 mils has a comparative R value of 20. The unusual insulating and corrosion resistant properties are derived from the product’s core material “Read More…

Pipeway Design – Plant layout

What is pipeway? The pipe way conveys all main process lines connecting distant pieces of equipment, relief and blowdown headers, all lines leaving and entering the plant, utility lines supplying steam, air, cooling water and inert gas to the plant. Electrical and instrument cable trays are usually routed in the pipeway. Pipe ways are classified by their relative elevation to grade. PiperaRead More…