Common Welding Defects

What is welding defects? Before going to welding defects, we should understand what is welding? Welding is a process of fabrication. This joins different materials, mainly metals or non-metals like thermoplastics, by using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool, causing fusion. However such as brazing and soldering, are used with lower temperature techniques, which do nRead More…

Welding Precautions of Metals

Welding Precautions for Metals Welding of any Materials need some procedural requirements which is also called as welding precautions for metals like cleaning, preheating, post heating PWHT, purging etc. However these requirements are specified in various design standards, of welding requirements. Before moving ahead with welding requirements, we should know about abbreviation used as PWHT. WhatRead More…