Common Welding Defects

What is welding defects? Before going to welding defects, we should understand what is welding? Welding is a process of fabrication. This joins different materials, mainly metals or non-metals like thermoplastics, by using high heat to melt the parts together and allowing them to cool, causing fusion. However such as brazing and soldering, are used with lower temperature techniques, which do nRead More…

Topographical Survey

What is topographical survey or topographical map? Any industrial plants or building and even when we are planning to build new house, we should know about the land details. Question is “why it is required?” Why not we can directly build the house or plant on open area. But unfortunately this is not the correct way. I will explain you why it is required, suppose you start building a constructiRead More…

NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head)

Net positive suction head, which is called in short form as NPSH and used in engineering pump designs and even in design engineering of various plants for location of pumps. What is NPSH? NPSH is a static head, which will be calculated from single datum or reference elevation (Normally datum elevation is considered as pump suction elevation as reference elevation) minus vapour pressure headRead More…

Oil Production – Oil and Gas Facilities

Oil Production – Oil and Gas Facilities Introduction This post gives some basic information for oil production facilities in Oil and Gas industry. When an oil-drilling rig strikes oil, the well is said to have “come in”. The drilling rig is removed, and the well is fitted with special equipment to allow the oil to be collected and processed in a controlled way. This collection process iRead More…

Material Basics – Monel

Material Basics – Monel Introduction to Material Basics – Monel This blog provides, basic information about Monel 400 (UNS N04400), MONEL alloy K-500 (UNS N05500) and Monel Alloy R-405 (UNS N04405) material basics like, its properties, applications etc. Monel is a high tensile strength nickel-copper alloy that was discovered in 1905. It was found to be highly resistant to atmospheric corRead More…

Intrinsically Safe Systems

Introduction to Intrinsically Safe Systems What are Intrinsically Safe Systems? Intrinsically safe systems are designed to prevent sparks or excessive heat that could ignite flammable substances in hazardous environments. These systems ensure safety by limiting the electrical and thermal energy available to levels below the threshold required to ignite the specific hazardous atmosphere. Why areRead More…

Corrosion Problems Associated with Stainless Steel

Corrosion Problems Associated with Stainless Steel Introduction Commonly used stainless steel material is having corrosion problems like pitting, SCC, erosion, galvanic corrosion etc. Brief description of all these corrosion problems associated with stainless steel is tabulated in this blog. The corrosion experienced in 300 series stainless steel is described in a variety ofRead More…

Material Basics – Stainless Steel

Material Basics – Stainless Steel Introduction to Material Basics – Stainless Steel Material Basics for commonly used material stainless steel, is covered in this blog. Which provides information about stainless steel material all commonly used grades, its properties, welding properties, including its subcategories like Austenitic, Martensitic, Ferritic, Duplex, Precipitation Hardening and Read More…

Zeron 100 – Alternative Material for Severe Conditions

Zeron 100 – Alternative Material for Severe Conditions This web blog provides you a transient data of Zeron 100® Alternative Material for Severe conditions, its mechanical, physical, chemical properties, applications, standards, design stresses, thermal conductivity, impact strength etc. This material is used as alternative material, where other materials are not suitable for aggressive environmRead More…

Surge Arrestors

Surge Arrestors Surge arrestors are designed to control rapid velocity changes which may cause potentially dangerous pressure excursions. One method of accomplishing this is by using a vessel charged with inert gas and connected to the pipeline carrying the liquid. This vessel has the capability to convert the kinetic energy of the moving liquid into stored potential energy when a liquid overpreRead More…