Process Engineering
What is process or process engineering?
In general term process is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end or perform a series of mechanical or chemical operations on something in order to change or preserve it. Process is defined in various different forms according to the industry. This stream is called as process engineering.
What is concept?
A concept can be defined as an idea, a plan, or an intention. In the context of the oil and gas and petrochemical industries, a conceptual study is conducted at the very early stage of a greenfield project. This study identifies all possibilities and conditions necessary to develop the project. Essentially, any idea, plan, or intention formulated before the start of a project is referred to as a concept.
As stated above, process and concept are interlinked and form a single entity within the oil and gas industry.
Process Engineering encompasses four major terms: Design, Operation, Control, and Optimization.
Deliverable Documents from Process Engineering:
1. PFS (Process Flow Scheme)
A PFS is a schematic drawing of a utility or process unit that shows:
- All relevant physical and other process data
- Main utility characteristics
- Basic process control elements
- Main dimensions of process equipment
2. PEFS (Process Engineering Flow Scheme) or P&ID (Piping and Instrumentation Diagram)
- A PEFS is a graphical representation of a process or utility unit.
- Its purpose is to provide an accurate depiction of the process and utility units.
Fig. 2 Process Engineering Flow Scheme (PEFS)
3. Process Safeguarding Flow Scheme (PSFS)
- PSFS is an integral part of identification and summarization of protective devices (ultimate safeguards).
- It should be prepared from the Process Engineering Flow Schemes, under the general guidance and responsibility of process engineering.
Major Departments contribute to PEFS or P&ID:
- Piping
- Pipeline
- Instrumentation & Process control or Control & Automation
- Electrical
Process Studies and Reports:
1. Process Simulation Report and H & MB Cases:
- Tools like Honeywell UniSim and Aspen HYSYS are used.
2. PipeSim Program:
Outputs of PipeSim Include:
- Pressure Drop
- Velocity
- Liquid Holdup
- Temperature Profile
- Slug Volume
3. Hydraulic Dynamic Analysis Report
- Confirms start-up time and trip set points
- Calculates slug volumes using tools like OLGA Program
Fig. 4 OLGA Schematic
4. Equipment Sizing Report
- Input : Heat & Material Balance
- Method : Excel Sheet
5. Utility Report
- Instrument Air Package
- Nitrogen Package
- Chemical Injection Skids
- Fuel Gas
6. Flare System Study Report
- Defines scenarios
- Calculates loads
- Gathers input
- Builds the model
- Analyzes the results
7. Hydrate Report
8. Fluid Flow and Flow Assurance Report
9. Line sizing Report
- Equipment List
- Line List
- Critical Valve List
Process Datasheets:
- MSV (Multiple Selective Valve)
- ESDVs(Emergency Shutdown Valve)
- CV’s (Control Valves)
- RV’s (Relief Valves)
Process engineering is a comprehensive field that integrates various disciplines and tools to optimize and control industrial processes. Its scope ranges from the initial concept and design to the operation, control, and optimization of processes, ensuring efficiency, safety, and sustainability.