Hydraulic Surge or Water Hammer

Basics of Hydraulic Surge or Water Hammer What is hydraulic surge or water hammer? How it develops, its impact all these information is covered in this post as Basics of Hydraulic Surge or Water Hammer. Introduction Inertia is the tendency of matter to remain in its existing state of motion, unless acted upon by outside forces. More energy is required to change steady state motion than to maintRead More…

Introduction to Piping General Arrangement Drawings

Introduction to Piping General Arrangement Drawings This post gives introduction to piping general arrangement drawings, like inputs required for generating any piping plans, presentation of piping plans, civil, structural details, instrumentation trenches, underground piping, supports, pipe racks etc. Piping shall be routed so that the optimum piping layout is achieved in terms of process Read More…

Non Metallic Materials Used in the Valve Industry

There are various Non Metallic Materials used in Valve industry. However some of the commonly used Non Metallic Materials used in the valve industry are described in this blog post with its use, characteristics, properties, etc. Even though metals will continue to be used throughout the valve industry, for their own unique characteristics of cost and performance. It has been the many developmeRead More…

Functioning of Different Types of Steam Traps

Functioning of Different Types of Steam Traps Steam trap selection is very important in any steam/condensate plants. This blog provides an introduction to various types and functioning of different types of steam traps. What are the different types of steam traps? Steam traps are divided into three main categories. They are; Mechanical Steam Trap Thermostatic Steam Trap ThermodRead More…

Steam Trap Inspection and Testing Methods

Steam Trap Inspection and Testing Methods Steam trap is main element on all condensate piping as well as in steam plants. Inspection and testing of steam trap is vital role for normal operation of plant. This post provide some of the basic information about steam strap inspection and testing methods. What is the general frequency of inspection of steam traps The key to keeping your trapsRead More…

Introduction to Pipe Supports

Introduction to Pipe Supports Introduction This post gives some of the basic information about Introduction to pipe supports, design of pipe supports, types of pipe supports, location of supports, pipe spacing requirements, piping expansion etc. All pipes have to be supported adequately. Pipe supports is a general term that actually is split into two families. Primary pipe support sysRead More…

Introduction to Piping Isometrics

Introduction to Piping Isometrics Piping Isometrics Introduction  This topic of discussion gives basic information for piping isometrics, its preparation details, drafting requirements, material take off in isometrics, supports etc. Piping isometrics drawing are a type of pictorial drawings that show the three principal dimensions of an object in one view. The principal dimensions aRead More…

Design of fire safe valves

This post gives information regarding design of fire safe valves, its selection, inspection, testing requirements, specifications, and uses etc. Before going to fire safe valves we should know what is fire? What is a fire? Before design and performance standards for fire-safe valves are developed, a fire must first be defined by using the following criteria: the fire test medium, the temRead More…

Check Valves Design Features

Check Valves Design Features This post is initiated to give some basic information regarding Check valve design features, it uses, standards, types, advantages, disadvantages etc. Check Valves Another type of valve commonly used in conjunction with other valves is called a check valve.  Check valves are designed to restrict the flow to one direction.  If the flow reverses direction, the checkRead More…

Plug Valve Design Features

Plug Valve Design Features This post is initiated to give some basic information regarding plug valve design features, it uses, standards, types, advantages, disadvantages etc. Plug Valve Plug values are possibly the oldest type of valve in use. Discoveries in ancient ruins indicate that a form of plug valve was used in early Roman water systems. The concept is simple: A rotary cylindricRead More…